Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Fitness, learning, variety

I read recently in the NYT that when you want to remember some piece of information well, it helps to learn it in the context of an activity, and a mess of other information, and not simply learn it in isolation. Similarly it helps to change locations, and circumstances when you want to learn something. So for example, if you go study at a cafe, go chat about an issue, read about it on the train, etc... you are actually learning better than if you simply sat in one place and tried to do the same thing for hrs. It is universally known that taking breaks and going for walks is also a good way to remember things.

What is remarkable is how this same principle is operating in a multiplicity of contexts. When it comes to weight training and developing your body it is also true that variety is the spice of life. If you do the same weight activities again and again, in the same way your body will adjust and you will simply be stalling any new progression. But, if you simply add variation every time, and once in awhile completely change you workout plan you force your body to make subtle adjustments. You start to be in a position where your body has to keep trying to keep striving to do better.

It is also true that in order to progress in anything you really need to mark your progress and record the amounts you are doing and what not. It is impossible to lift more, or even add variety if you simply go into the gym each time without knowing your training program.

I really hope things in the world start to go better in terms of the economy, but also politically. I'm kinda of scared about what is happening in the USA right now with the Tea Party movement. They seem to be angry that's for sure, but their anger is directed at the federal government when in reality they should be angry at the banks, and people who are really running society.

Canada seems to be becoming more and more part of the USA. I see all kinds of things now. For example, politically the Conservatives are now very similar to the Republicans. In addition, the US is starting to list Canadian cities and provinces on all kinds of sources, News, websites, you name it. I don't know how I feel about this. I have the feeling that it is purely functional and that there is not much of a perception about how we are different or that sort of thing.

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