Friday, July 23, 2010

met a very interesting woman today

I met this very interesting woman today. She was from the US but here is the really crazy thing. When I was chatting with her, her accent modulated from American, to Scottish, Irish, Australian, English, or something along those lines. This is the only person I have ever met in my entire life who talks like that. Moreover, interestingly she has done extensive academic reading.

I ran into her because she was giving away a bunch of English study books, that I could use for my private lessons. I was amazed at the quantity and the quality of the stuff she gave me.

The other night I went to Leila's birthday party and got to meet a heap of interns from the US embassy along with two guys and a girl who also worked there. It was a very fun evening. We ate in Akasaka at this place that was like a giant cave.

The food was simple but delicious. The conversation was typically random, just odd trivia and that sort of stuff, nothing highly intellectual. Although as can be imagined the interns were some smart members of the US academic community. This one Jewish guy reminded me a lot of Dan.

After dinner we went to a Singing Room. Two of the Japanese girls and the white guy were wore American Eagle apparel sounded really fantastic.

This is a good article on new stuff in the copyright legislation being pushed at the WTO.


Dance Vatek said...

A lot of jewish guys remind people of me.

Ow, the grammar of that previous sentence hurts my prototypically jewish head.

jake fisher said...

I know it's funny how we are all raised to be neurotic woody Allen types, thanks to our Jewish Moms. :) or Dad's as the case may be.