Monday, April 27, 2009

I think I just might start my own firm. Here is my reasoning. The best I can come up with at the moment seems to be to join a rather small firm as an associate. Then I'm splitting 40/60 with the partner.

Now if the firm is successful that is a good deal. However, if the firm is not, then it is a terrible deal. What clients are being brought in?

I was starting to think that the first firm that I went to was a good deal, there the lady gave the same split except she made no mention of legal aid, and she also mentioned bringing me a few clients. But her office was nice and it was here in Toronto.

The guy in Owen Sound, well he would probably also be giving me legal aid cases. That is the only way it can make sense for them.
But, I really wonder. Well he was going to pay me about 40, 000$ and that must mean that he pockets the rest.

I wonder if I could get a extension on my line of credit to start my own firm. Maybe make an appointment with a bank.

Here is what I figure. I have this law license that almost no one can get. Some people finish law school and can't even find a place to article. So I got this license, that also paralegals don't have.

So I should use it, because how hard is it really to do some of these files, it is not that hard.

So I have to decide what am I going to do in my practice, just criminal maybe.

Criminal sounds like a good area to do. But family might also be fine, could do some corporate commercial stuff in there also, deal with assets.

But, criminal is pure violence, drug charges, etc... That seems like it would be not that difficult from what I have covered.

Ideally there is some government job waiting out there for me, and I really have to actively consider how to end up in the USA, because there is a lot more money there than there is here in Canada. Maybe the trick is to go to Windsor and then do that job for 1 or 2 months, and then start my own practice, but is it really worth it to even do it for that long.

So the guy says that he gets 90 new clients each month, and that they have to send some work away. So that must mean there are those clients out there. The girl told me there is a list, and on that list are a whole bunch of clients.

What I need to do is pay the insurance, and all the other fees and just transfer over my membership, I think that it will be fine if I do that.

There is no problem starting your own business and it really pays in the end.